Actually there is no time-machine, this is not Back to the Future, we're not in 1985, and I'm not dr. Emmett Brown. Or maybe it is, in a sense, Back to the Future, as we're going to look back to see the future; we'll look at what happened in the 2016 elections, the race between Hillary Clinton, attempting to become the first female president of the United States, and Donald Trump, who wasn't taken serious by the political and media establishments. They thought they could see the future. The Democrats were so sure that Hillary Clinton would become America's first female president that they started celebrating their victory before the elections were even done; Hillary and her party are still struggling with the devastating defeat they were dealt by Trump, who at the time had the highest unfavorability ratings in the nation's history.
To this day HRC and the DNC will not admit that they owe that loss to themselves, that HRC made all the wrong points and spoke all the wrong words. While Trump masterfully played on a population that was left behind by the country's elite and promised to "Make America Great Again," Hillary and her team of corporate war-hawks ran on a campaign that said that America was already doing great, that everything was fine as it was and that all we needed was more of the same. Well, except that now there would be a female crook at the helm, an old white women instead of an old white man. It's as if the Democrats now believe that was their mistake, to run with a woman. I say this because in 2016 the Democrats started to blame the voters for Trump's unexpected victory, America was too sexist to elect a female president. America was too sexist and too racist, because they elected a bigot and a racist, a man who said he'd grab women by their you know what, promised to build a wall to stop Mexicans and other South Americans from "flooding the country" and indicated that he would not only bomb the Muslim terrorists, but their families as well.
Yes, HRC and her oligarch friends claimed it was the voters' fault, and the Russians of course, and let's not forget Bernie Sanders... It was everybody and everything but themselves who were at fault, never thought that maybe Trump was elected because he also promised to get manufacturing jobs back, that he would rid Washington from corruption and would "drain the swamp", that he would get rid of the trade deals like NAFTA and TPP that caused so many jobs to be outsourced... Nah, that's not it; America is sexist and racist, and voters don't know what's good for them.
So now they want a male HRC as their candidate to drag Trump out of the White House, they want to run a Hillary 2.0 campaign. They want Biden to run on the same empty promise of changing nothing at all, against a Trump who now has the highest favorability rating of his time in office, much due to the Democrat's endless hammering on Russiagate and a completely botched attempt at impeachment. The DNC is willingly heading straight to a repeat of the 2016 fiasco because they prefer a second term with Trump over a first term with Bernie Sanders, who has a much better chance of defeating Trump than Joe Biden. Watch this video from November 2016, just after Trump shocked America and the world by defeating one of the most experienced and skilled politicians as a complete rookie; it's a look forward as much as it is a look back if the Democratic party establishment get the candidate they want.
What Hillary Clinton Did Wrong
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