Things get Nasty in DC; as Scumer goes into attack mode, and threatens Violence on sitting Supreme Court Justices!
"I want to tell you, Gorsuch. I want to tell you, Kavanaugh. You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price! You won't know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions."
Chuck Schumer, March 4, 2020
If you or I made these threats, we would already be arrested. There is NO reason, not to demand the same of Schumer; HE is Not Above the LAW, and MUST NOTR be exempt from prosecution!
Article on the calls for Schumer to Resign:
After threats made directly at Two, sitting Supreme Court Justices; there are real calls for Schumer to resign. It looks like steps may need to be taken to remove him from office for these threats. We all know that if he were a Conservative, he would already be under MSM Attack. Of course that would NEVER attack a liberal....
The president of pro-life abortion industry watchdog group Operation Rescue is one of the many who stated that Chuck Schumer needs to resign for his threats against Supreme Court Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh.
“As the highest ranked Democrat in the Senate, it is intolerable that Schumer would issue direct threats by name to two Supreme Court Justices if they did not vote his way on this case,” said Troy Newman. “I call on Chuck Schumer to resign. Anyone who can make those kinds of direct and intimidating threats against the nation’s highest court is not fit to serve, and probably belongs behind bars.”
This is a true and accurate statement! He must be prosecuted under the Rule of Law, or we no longer have LAW in our Republic!
Briebart Article on this Debacle:
Troy Newman, the president of pro-life abortion industry watchdog group Operation Rescue; is the head of one of the organizations calling for Schumer's removal!
Newman added it is “not a coincidence that an abortion case would prompt such alarming conduct.”
“Abortion is central to the Democrat’s [sic] subversive plans for America, and they obviously will stop at nothing to protect it,” he said:
The president of pro-life Susan B. Anthony List said in a statement Thursday that Schumer’s threats against the two Supreme Court justices are “absolutely abhorrent.”
“Just when you think national Democratic Party leaders can’t sink any lower when it comes to their abortion extremism, they incite violence against Supreme Court justices who they perceive as a threat to their agenda,” Marjorie Dannenfelser said, adding that Americans “are rightly horrified” at Schumer’s comments:
Just because Schumer is a Senator, it does NOT give him the right to Threaten others for political gain! This, from others, would be considered a terrorist threat (threatening two Supreme Court Justices) odering them to shut up...or else expect personal violence!
Author By @smithlabs