Tennis press conference in Italy with the 1 meter rule imposed for public gatherings. The Davis cup game between Italy and South Korea will have no spectators.
I didn't really want to write about the Corona Virus today ,but it is reducing the sporting events at an alarming rate. Every sporting event over the next 6 months is in major doubt as the virus seems to be spreading. The sporting landscape has been decimated and we haven't really even begun as it is still such a minor issue within all of our lives.
I do blame the Chinese for this and they have a lot to answer for. Keeping such tight censorship on what really happened didn't exactly prepare anyone for what was going to come. Travel bans should have been initiated immediately as they have plunged the world into an absolute circus.
I am hoping that this will wake up everyone having one country making all your stuff is not a great idea and decentralizing this around the world is far better. Weird how the Chinese have seemed to centralize most things and even Steem was threatened. Looks like they want to have their greedy little paws on everything.


At the tipping point as more teams pull out leaving race organisers with serious questions to go ahead with Paris Nice road race. Luckily two other races were cancelled in Italy leaving teams having no choice, but to join the Paris-Nice race at the last minute. This starts tomorrow and no one is quite sure whether it will go head or not. The big teams have been pulling out throughout the course of the day and having teams from Italy joining the race today this may chase the other teams away.
Juventus are training at the stadium to get used to the emptiness around them.
We know football games in Italy are going ahead behind closed doors and the first game in France between Strasbourg and PSG has been postponed. I honestly have no idea what postponing helps as this is not a two week thing that is going to just go away.


Postponed until later on in the season.
Barcelona and Paris have postponed their marathons for much later in the year (October) and Rome has cancelled theirs totally. The anti doping agency has warned athletes in areas affected that testing will still happen so their is no chance of athletes taking advantage.
The Italian Rugby Union is fighting to keep their final game against England alive and can't afford a closed door game. The 73 000 seater is their revenue for the year and have called for a postponent rather. The rugby calendars are fairly tight which will result in the tournament going into next season now.
This could be a huge risk though as France plays Scotland tomorrow and Ireland next week. The French could win both thus winning the Grand Slam and Six Nations trophy so no one would really be interested in a dead rubber anyway. The 73 000 would not be filled to capacity so they may as well think of something else to fill their coffers.
A suggestion by one of the Italian footballers was to dock every players salaries by 10 percent to help cover the clubs losses over this trying period. We all know how much they make so surely that would help by giving back to the hand that feed them.
This is just the start as when we look at countries around the World they don't have a huge amount of cases yet besides Italy,Japan and China. The Japanese must seriously be worried as the amount they have spent on the Olympics infrastructure will take decades to payback if it is cancelled.
Author By @cryptoandcoffee