After the two Indonesian citizens were stated to have positively suffered corona virus, this news suddenly caused a commotion among the people in Indonesia. So that the news made people panic and fear. Given the case of the corona virus that has circulated in several countries outside China, including Indonesia, it has reached 97,381 cases worldwide. And also recorded, there are 3,348 people killed by this corona virus attack.
To prevent casualties due to corona virus transmission, people in Indonesia suddenly flock to visit the nearest pharmacy or drug store to be able to buy masks and hand sanitizers. In fact, not only that, to be able to prevent the spread of corona virus, Indonesian people must also continue to maintain their endurance.
Because when one's immune system is good the body will be immune to virus attacks, including this corona virus attack. Well, then what must be done for us to be able to maintain endurance? Next, I will explain one of them is that you eat a healthy and balanced diet to ward off corona virus.